WOD Wednesday 14th September 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.

(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)
“Fight Gone Bad”

Three rounds of:

Wall ball, 10/6kg, 10ft
Sumo dead lift high pull 35/25kg
Box jumps 20″
Push press 35/25kg
Row for calories

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Nina kickin ass on the court!

Check out the results below in comments
Post results to Beyond the Whiteboard


  1. I'll be there 5.15am. Thanks for the pic :D

  2. Luv the pic Nina. Sorry I can't make it but I know you will kick it.

  3. Wayne, Belle and Phillippa are there 5.15am. Great commitment to crossfit lift brand with the yellow Nina

  4. I'll be there at 6.15am.

  5. I'll be there at 6:15am (didn't know there was one at that time tom but I'll go with what Kristan said!)

  6. Hey guys Just a quck note, there's no 6:15am session on a Wednesday so see you all bright and early at 5:15am!

  7. Doh - guess i'm going at 5.15, sorry Alex!

  8. Great pic Neens! See you all at 5.15am.

  9. haha all good Kristan! See yaz at 5:15

  10. Gah Fight Gone Bad...my fave workout!!! Go hard guys!!

  11. Awesome fun this morning, loving this CrossFit Buzz. "Fight Gone Bad" = "Bad GONE fight"

  12. 5.15pm fight club for me (club of one?)

  13. 12:00
    Cinar 199 (6KG Wallball 20Kg SDHP,20Kg P/press)
    Chris 243 (6Kg Wallball,25Kg SDHP,25KG P/press)

  14. 5:15am

    Nina - 165 rxd
    Belle - 190 (3kg db thruster, 15kg sdhp, 15kg pp)
    Wayne - 170 rxd
    Phillippa - 213 (3kg db thruster, 15kg Sdhp, 10 pp, 16" step up)
    Lauren - 273 (sit up, step up 20", 15kg pp, lunge)
    Kristan - 189 rxd
    Mark - 212 (5kg db thruster, 20kg sdhp, 20kg pp)
    Alex - 232 (25kg pp, 6kg wall ball)
    Emma - 217 (16kg Kb, 15kg hang power cl, 20" step up, 15kg pp

    8:30am PT

    Amanda - 264 (squat, 8kg KB, Prone, 10kg pp)

  15. Just you and me tonight Alicia! I promise I'll fight fair.

  16. 5:15

    Alicia 213 (Wallball 8ft,SDHP 17.5Kg,Step up,P/press 15Kg)
