WOD Saturday 17th September 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.

(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Front squat



15min AMRAP

10 Front Squat (60% of 3RM)

Run 400m

Check out the results below in comments


  1. Renee will be there at 7am

  2. Bring in Saturday WOD, mr & mrs belle will be there

  3. 7:00am

    Wayne 35-40-45-45-50 (PB) Finisher 4 + 100m (30kg)
    Nina 27.5-30-30-30-32.5 (PB) Finisher 4 + 10 (20kg)
    Kristan 35-40-45-50-55 Finisher 4 + 310m (32.5kg,row)
    Alex 40-40-45-50-60 (PB) Finisher 4 + 300m (35kg)
    Belle 22.5-22.5-25-25-27.5 (PB) Finisher 4 + 10 (15kg)
    Em 25-25-25-25-27.5 (PB) Finisher 4 + 10 (15kg)
    Renee 25-25-25-25-25 (PB) Finisher 4 + 4 (15kg)

  4. 150 Burpees for time

    Kristan 15:52 (Knee burpee)
    Alex 15:45 Rxd
    Nina 27:02 (Knee burpee)
    Michael 12:12 Rxd

  5. Awesome session today guys, we got through a lot of work and smashed out a lot of PB's. Front squats are starting to look really good! We need to keep working hard on perfecting the foundational movements of CrossFit, ie:

    Squat - Front Squat - Overhead Squat
    Press - Push Press - Push Jerk
    Deadlift - SDHP - Med Ball clean

    Proficieny in these movements is the key to your development and an indication of the quality of an affiliate and it's athlete's.

  6. Also big ups to all those who smashed out 150 Burpees for time. What a suckfest!

    Remember that feeling you had about the 50 rep mark,
    it'll mean you never risk breaching the gym rules! :-)

    I think Nina summed up this workout best when she said: "This is F#*!ed"

  7. 60 - 70 - 80 - 80 - 80

    Finisher - as many d/u in 5 mins


    Yes I do bring a new meaning to the word 'unfit' !

    My legs are jello. He he he
