WOD Friday 16th September 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Five Rounds for Time:
30 KB Swings (24/16kg)
30 Lunges
30 Double Unders

Check out the results below in comments
Post results to Beyond the Whiteboard


  1. I mean't to say 5.15am :-)

  2. I'll book in for midday :)

  3. Also, just to let everyone know, Jarmo (Remedial Therapist) will be in at Massage Advantage Saturday morning straight after training. If anyone is having any soreness or concerns and you'd like to book in for a treatment just shoot me through an email. He has treated the Broncos and Lions football teams and is pretty fantastic info@massageadvantage.com.au

  4. Yippee waynes favorite, double unders. See you at 5.15am

  5. I'd like to know how anyone could count Speallers reps there without slow motion cam!

  6. 5:15am

    Nina - 25:36 rxd
    Ben - 4 + DUA (30min cut off, 12kg & DUA)
    Mark - 22:49 rxd
    Renee - 28:50 (12kg & DUA)
    Belle - 17:20 (8kg)
    Wayne - 4 + 25 DUA (30min cut off, 16kg & DUA)
    Alex - 20:32 (16kg)
    Emma - 27:56 rxd
    Phillippa - (30min cut off, 8kg & DUA)
    Di - 28:51 (12kg, & DUA, knee push ups)

  7. I know, spealler is a machine!!! cool video. Awesome work this morning everyone! Good on you Nina for second rxd workout this week and nice one Em, rxd as well! Good to see everyone getting faster and stronger!

  8. 25min. Cut off
    Kristan 4 + 20 K/b
    Michael 2 + 13 K/b

  9. Hey Mark, I know your time was 22:49, however there was no scaling next to your name, Did you use the 24kg KB and complete double under attempts? Cheers Mon :)

  10. 12:00

    Chris 26:14 (16kg, D/u attempts)
    Lauren 26:40 (J/pull ups)
