WOD Tuesday 16th August 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Eight rounds for time of:
Front squat, 5 reps  (85kg)
26 Ring push-ups

Mon is going to represent CrossFit Lift at the CrossFit Broadbeach Leeding Challenge on 27th August  http://crossfitbroadbeach.com.au/

Anyone is welcome to register and compete as it is open to novice athletes through to advanced.  Days like these are always great fun and a good opportunity to meet your fellow CrossFitter's.  Let's get a crew together to support Mon.  We will still hold the 7am session and have plenty of time to get down and see all the action.   

PLEASE NOTE - THE BOX WILL BE CLOSED ON THE EKKA HOLIDAY THIS WEDNESDAY.  Lucky for you we will still post a WOD you can do from home. 

Check out the results below in comments


  1. I'll be there 5.15am :D

  2. I'll be there in the morning - most likely 5.15 :-)

  3. See you there at 5.15am

  4. Mr & Mrs Belle will be there 5.15

  5. GATOR - scaled down

    8 rounds - 25 min c/o

    Front squat, 5 reps
    Push-ups, 13

    Michael - 5 + 4 (40)
    Kristan - 5 + 1 (27.5)

  6. 5.15am

    Brad ("SLL") - 25:45 (35kg, 1/2 reps pushups)
    Nina 14:33 (20kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)
    Mandy 16:47 (25kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)
    Ben 24:25 (40kg, 1/2 reps pushups)
    Renee 16:23 (20kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)
    Emma 15:15 (20kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)
    Belle 16:49 (15kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)
    Wayne 26:09 (25kg, pushups)

  7. 6.15am

    Di 15:45 (15kg, 1/2 reps knee pushups)

  8. Trainer WOD

    Mike 24:50 (60kg, pushup)
    Mon 28:23 (42.5kg, pushup)

  9. 9:15
    3 Deadlift (15)
    3 Front Squat (10)
    Row 300m
    x 3
    Ash 18:50

  10. 12:00
    Chris 15:53 (40kg) 1/2 reps Pushups

  11. Go 5.15 team, thanks Renee for the count. Couldn't have done it with out you.

  12. Legs are starting to really hurt from Mondays run
