WOD Thursday 4th August 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Within 20 minutes

Row 1000m

Then in the remaining time:


5 SDHP 50/35kg
10 Push ups
15 Toes to bar

A new lick of paint for the Box!  If anyone has trouble finding the front door now, it's 150 Burpees!!!

Check out the results below in comments


  1. I'll be there 5.15am :D

  2. I will be there at 5.15am

  3. 5.24k run - 41minutes

  4. 5.15am
    Nina - 6 + 3 SDHP (17.5kg, hanging knee raises, knee push up)

    Renee - 4 + 8 Hang Knee Raise (15kg, hanging knee raises, knee push up)

    Di - 8 (15kg, hanging knee raises, knee push up)

    Trainer WOD
    Mon - 5 + 1 toes to bar (RXD)

  5. Good to see you practising for the Bridge Belinda :), was that on "ye olde" treaddie?

  6. Nice work on the run today Belinda! That's around 7min 48sec K's. To achieve your goal of doing 'Bridge to Brisbane' in under 75 minutes you'll have to run 7min 30sec K's and sustain that pace for 10K. So now you Know what's required, the only thing you have to do now is the WORK!

  7. Yes lots of work is needed, I will get there!! Not on the treadie, took Milly for a run, she enjoyed it more than me =D

  8. Milly would have had heaps of fun, good idea! I might try it with catdog, not sure she'll enjoy it as much :)

  9. The door looks great in this pic! Can you email me a copy pls Mon!
