WOD Tuesday 12th July 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks. 
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Complete as many rounds as possible in seven minutes of:
315 pound Deadlift, 7 reps
20 meter Sprint
14 One legged squats
21 Double-unders
20 meter Sprint

Some new additions to the box!
Check out the results below in comments


  1. Hi guys, might try the 6.15am tomorrow! C u then.

  2. Renee and I will be there for 5.15am.

  3. I'll be there for 5.15am

  4. Scaling options used
    - KB Deadlifts - (KB DL)
    - Single skips - (SS)
    - 21 Double Under attempts (DUA)
    - 28 Air Squats (SQ)
    - 14 One Legged Squats to a box (Box)

    5.15am Session

    Nina - 2 Rounds + 13 SQ (35kg Deadlift)
    Renee - 2 Rounds + 28 SQ (24kg KB DL, DUA)
    Emma - 2 Rounds + 16 SQ (24kg KB DL, DUA)
    Mark - 1 Round + 21 DUA (80kg Deadlift, Box)

    6.15am Session

    Di - 2 Rounds + 7 Box (24kg KB DL, SS)
    Lauren - 2 Rounds + 3 Box (35kg Deadlift, DUA)


    Mon – 2 Rounds + 14 One Leg Squat (65kg Deadlift)

  5. Awesome work on getting your double unders happening this morning Mark! Woohoo!!

  6. 4.45PM - 2 Rounds + 20 DUA (35kg DL, Pistols to a 20" box)

  7. Michael - 3 rounds + 21 D/u (80kg)
