WOD Monday 11th July 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks. 
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

In two minutes, complete the following:
300 Meter Run
24/16 kg Kettlebell Swing x Max Reps
Score the number Kettlebell Swings completed in each set, for a total of six sets. Rest exactly 2 mins between sets.

Thanks to CrossFit Invictus for this WOD. 

We have a new sound system at the box, so if you would like to bring in any of your favourite mp3's we will add them to our playlist.  

Check out the results below in comments


  1. 5.15am Session

    Lauren - 4, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3 = TOTAL 20 (8kg)
    Nina - 9, 9, 7, 7, 6, 8 - TOTAL 46 (Rx’d)

    Well done on completing your first Rx’d WOD Nina :D


    Michael - 22, 21, 20, 16, 15, 17 = TOTAL 111 Rx’d
    Monique - 21, 18, 16, 13, 15, 17 = TOTAL 100 Rx’d

    As Rx’d or Not As Rx’d - What does this mean?

    In CrossFit, we use the term “as Rx’d” to denote that we did a particular Workout of the Day (WOD) “as Prescribed.” This means that we completed the workout as written, with no scaling or modifications, with full range of motion (ROM). Thanks to CrossFit Kinnick for the explanation.

  2. Brad - 9, 8, 9, 10, 9, 14 = TOTAL 59 (12kg)
