WOD Thursday 14th July 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks. 
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
185 pound Back squat, 7 reps
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (right hand)
7 Burpees
45 pound dumbbell Overhead walking lunge, 10 steps (left hand)

Double unders are possible

Check out the results below in comments


  1. Lauren and BelindaJuly 13, 2011 at 6:15 PM

    We will be there 5.15am :)

  2. I'll be there at 5.15

  3. I'll be there too for 5.15am :D

  4. 5.15am Session

    Emma - 5 + Squats (4kg DB, 15Kg Bar) KB Finisher 12kg

    Nina - 5 (5kg DB, 20kg Bar) KB Finisher 12kg

    Lauren - 4 + 6 Burpee (4kg DB, 15kg Bar - From Ground) KB Finisher 12kg

    Belinda - 6 (6kg DB, 20Kg Bar - From Ground) KB Finisher 12kg

    Kristan (Injury sub - Dips for back squat, Ring Pullups for Burpees) - Result - 8 + Ring Rows (6kg DB, Dips on 18inch box, Ring Rows) Finisher 2 min prone bridge

    6.15am Session

    Di - 6 (3kg DB, 15Kg Bar)


    Skills Practice - HSPU, Pistols, False Grip Pullups

  5. Well done Kristan for coming in this morning and substituting the movements around injury. Good to see you back into training :)

  6. Hey Guys sorry to have missed you all this morning. I would have much prefered to have been at the box than waiting to go to the Dentist. I hear there were some great performances and everyone pushed hard.

    It was great to see Kristan in for her first session today. She has been hearing about the birth of Crossfit Lift for sometime now and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank her for all her help.
