WOD Monday 26th September 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.
(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)

15 min AMRAP

20 Box Jumps 24/20”
15 Pull Ups
10 Push Press 40/30kg
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Check out the results below in comments


  1. Mr & Mrs belle @ 5.15am

  2. I'll be there 5.15am with Kelly Z (newbie)

  3. I'll be there for 12!!

  4. Friggin awesome jump mike. Loved seeing first CF Lift video!!

  5. Hi ok if I come on down for 12?

  6. Helen
    I'll be there at 12pm!!!

  7. 6.15pm...have an airport run beforehand. Sorry Mike!

  8. 6 + 4 box (3 pl pull & 10kg)

  9. 5:15am

    500m Row

    Ben - 1:37
    Wayne - 1:41
    Belle - 2:00
    Lauren - 2:01
    Nina - 1:57
    Phillippa - 1:55
    Jean-Henri - 1:35
    Helena - 1:55


    Ben - 3 + 20 Box Jumps (Black Band, 40kg)
    Wayne - 3 + 15 Pull Up, (Blue Band, 30kg)
    Belle - 5 + 4 Box Jump, (Red Band, 17.5kg)
    Lauren - 3 + 1 Push Press, (18", Black Band, 30kg)
    Kelly - 4 + 5 Step Ups, (14" step ups, Jump Pull 10 reps, 5kg DB PP)
    Nina - 4 + 11 Box Jump, (Black Band, 20kg)
    Phillippa - 5 rounds, (step up, Black Band, 15kg)
    Jean-Henri - 4 + 12 step ups (20", Red Band, 25kg)
    Helena - 5 + 20 Box Jumps, (Red Band, 20kg)
    Katie - 4 + 8 Push Press, (16", Red & Blue Band, 6kg DB PP)

  10. Haha I would like to say I did 30kg push press but it was only 20kg :)
    Thanks for the counting Ben!

  11. 12noon

    500m Row

    Chris - 1:35
    Helen - 2:12
    Di - 1:51
    Belinda - 2:03


    Chris - 4 + 3 Push Press (Red Band)
    Helen - 4 + 20 Box (16", 10kg, Black Band)
    Di - 4 + 8 Pull ups (15kg, Red Band)
    Belinda - 4 + 9 Box (Step Ups, 20kg, Black Band)

  12. 1pm

    Intro & WOD

    7min AMRAP
    5 squats
    10 Push Press
    250m Row

    Bernie - 2 + 4 Push Press (10kg)

  13. 5:15pm

    - Alicia - 5 rounds (16", 15kg)
    - Craig - 4 rounds + pullups RXD

    Awesome work today guys, special shout out to Alicia, first wod nailing the box jumps, Craig smashed it out rxd, and it was great to have Katie, Kelly, Bernie and Melissa in today for their first CrossFit experience!

  14. 6:15pm

    Intro Wod

    10min AMRAP
    10 Push Press
    10 Deadlift
    250 Row

    Melissa - 3 rounds (15kg)
