WOD Monday 22nd August 2011

If you would like to book in for this WOD, please post your name in the comments, thanks.

(The easiest way to post a comment is to select Name/URL when posting)
For Time:
20 Calorie Row
30 Box Jumps (24 inch)
20 Toes to Bar
30 Wall Ball (10kg / 6kg)
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (24kg/16kg)
30 Burpees
20 Shoulder to Overhead (60kg/40kg)
Shift 100kg/75kg 10 metres 

 This video shows events 8, 9 and 10 of the 2011 Reebok CrossFit Games.  The events were run consecutively with only a few minutes rest between them.  Today's WOD is inspired by the final workout, "The End 3".  

Check out the results below in comments


  1. Looks like fun! See you at 5.15am

  2. I'll be there 5.15am :D

  3. Mr & Mrs Belle are anxious but excited for 5,15 session

  4. Bradley will be at noon session.

  5. 5:15
    Ben 20:41 (20",Knee raise,16kg,k/b burpee,25kg)
    Lauren 17:10 (20" s/u,Knee raise, 4kg d/b thruster,k/b burpee,15kg)
    Nina 16:57 (16",Knee raise,knee burpee,15kg)
    Emma 15:32 (16",Knee raise,k/b burpee,15kg)
    Belle 16:29 (16",Knee raise,3kg d/b thruster,8kg,k/b burpee,15kg)
    Wayne 16:02 (20" s/u,Knee raise,6kg w/ball,12kg,20kg)

  6. Trainer wod
    Monique 15:52 Rxd
    Michael 14:51 Rxd

  7. Hi, I'll be there for the 5.15pm.

  8. 12:00
    Chris 19:28 (6kg w/ball,16kg,25kg)
    Brad 20:01 (Knee raise,6kg w/ball,16kg,20kg)

  9. 5:15
    Alicia 21:14 (16",Knee raise,6kg M/ball squat to press,8kg,s/b burpee,10kg)
