WOD Friday 12th August 2011

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4 x 500m Row

Mon getting some air at the Toowoomba CrossFit challenge

Check out the results below in comments


  1. I'll be there 5.15am :D

  2. Go hard team the fahy team will be there in spirit just not presence.

  3. FRAN

    Michael 7:48 (20, J/Pullup)
    Kristan 5:48 (20, J/Pullup)

  4. 5.15am

    Nina: 2:06, 2:08, 2:09, 2:06

    Renee: 2:10, 2:13, 2:15, 2:12

    Ben: 1:56, 2:01, 2:07, 2:04

  5. Remember to make a note of all of your settings on the rower this morning guys, so you know how to set yourself up next time, ie:

    1 - Foot position (1, 2, 3, etc)
    2 - Damper setting (4, 5, 6) - (Drag factor for female - 110-115, Male - 115 - 125)

  6. Trainer WOD

    Mike: 1:43, 1:44, 1:45, 1:46

    Mon: 1:58, 2:01, 2:01, 2:00

  7. Great effort right across the board this morning guys, now we all know where we stand on the rower.

    It was also good to see Michael and Kristan take on Fran today after having missed the opportunity yesterday. Both these guys were fired up smashed out PB's.

    The real highlight of the day was when Nina brought us in some awesome Paleo Chocolate cake. Paleo treats = happy coaches!!

  8. 9:15am

    Ashleigh: 2:29, 2:25, 2:23, 2:25

    Bronwyn: 3:31, 3:43, 3:23
